Register/Update Account

Urgent! Please verify and update email address before submitting an application. Permits will be sent to the email provided below.

**Attn New Registrants: Be sure you enter the first and last name as you want them to appear on the permit.

Last Name of Applicant:
First Name of Applicant:
Middle Initial of Blaster Applicant:

U.S. Citizen?

Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone Number:

Work Phone Number:

Mailing Address:
Mailing Address Line 2:



Zip Code:

Email Address:
Confirm Password:
Password Question:


Password must be at least:
-8 character minimum
-12 character maximum
-1 uppercase
-1 lowercase
-1 number

For additional security, please check the checkbox below (and complete any puzzle prompts you may receive).