Fire Sprinkler's Permit System

Register/Update Account

Enter all required information and click Submit.

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This page is for Business Information ONLY. No NICET Certificate holder information should be entered for this profile.

* Required

* Business Name:

* Contact Last Name:

* Contact First Name:

Contact Middle Initial:

* Contact Telephone Number:

* Mailing Address:

* City:

* State:

* Zip Code:

* Physical Address:

* City:

* State:

* Zip Code:

* Business/Contact Email Address:  

Confirm Email Address:  

* Password:  

* Confirm Password:  

* Password Question:  

* Answer: 

Password must be at least:
-8 character minimum
-12 character maximum
-1 uppercase
-1 lowercase
-1 number

For additional security, please check the checkbox below (and complete any puzzle prompts you may receive).